Friday, January 25, 2013

House update

Still hauling off trash. Spencer wants so much to be big and strong- and well, he is for such a little guy. Ceiling is in the process of being stained white and the kitchen cabinets are sloooowly arriving. Fingers crossed for this weekend. Oh, and bookshelves are built.


  1. Those bookshelves are going to be so great... and a built in desk I think I see too. Backbreaking work I bet staining that ceiling. And it looks like you picked similar cabinets to mine, beautiful!

  2. are you guys doing all the work yourselves? I can't believe how much you've gotten done! Its gong to look so fantastic!

  3. We haven't done everything. We hired the cabinets and ac stuff and will probably get someone for the tile work. This house was only one direction to go- up! Mark says no matter what we do it beats what it was like before.
