Thursday, August 2, 2012

I keep myself (easily) entertained

 As I continue to write about things that happen everyday- multiple times a day- I must include cleaning up the kitchen (You will notice that unlike the earlier two posts I have not mentioned and will not mention that it is one of my favorite times of the day). I can say that I AM grateful for a disposal.  These pictures maybe represent why it may or may not sometimes take me a while or longer to accomplish these necessary daily tasks.
 I turned on the disposal and watched the mini earthquake in my sink- 
 totally in awe of the properties of water.  It wasn't till one of the littler people of the home tugged on my shirt that I pulled myself away-
 Slowly.  Yup I am still playing with my sink- you can see my reflection in the tiny drop.  How cool is that?  It is a good thing there are little persons that pull me away from doing "nothing" all day.

1 comment:

  1. Finding joy in cleaning up the kitchen is a skill only you may possess!
